Volunteers Needed for the 33rd Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival 

Join the team of dedicated volunteers at this year’s Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival. 

Take part in one of Hot Springs’ most exciting and prominent events by joining the team of dedicated volunteers at the 33rd Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival (HSDFF), October 18-26, 2024. Experience the dynamic festival environment. 

Interact with other volunteers, filmmakers, producers, and filmgoers. Opportunities include theater attendants, selling concessions and merchandise, VIP Lounge attendants, drivers, box office and party staff, and more! 

If you need a job sitting down or are willing to carry heavy loads, there is a position for you. The volunteers are on 4-hour shifts and multiple shifts will earn you film passes.  

As the longest-running documentary film festival in North America, the HSDFF could not succeed without its amazing corps of volunteers. Join the HSDFI Team now! 

Sign up through the Hot Springs Documentary Film Institute website at HSDFI.org/Support/Volunteer


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