Benefits of Triangle Pose

“When I don’t have a lot of time for a yoga practice, but want to do a bit of strengthening and stretching, what are some ‘go-to’ poses?” That is a question I hear, and one of the poses that I will include in my answer is Triangle Pose.

It offers so much benefit to the body while being approachable for most people. It is a pose to learn basic alignment that will help practitioners build the foundation they need for more advanced postures. Like every yoga pose, one approaches the pose from where he/she is. Modifications and the use of a block under the lower hand can help take the yogi deeper into the pose in a safe manner. Here are some of the physical benefits:

It stretches the side waist, which is an often neglected area of the body. When the side body is chronically tight, alignment issues, as well as pain and discomfort, can result. So getting a good side waist opening is important.

It opens the side hip. This area tends to be overly tight for runners, walkers, cyclers, and anyone else who uses the lower body a lot in day-to-day life. Opening the sides of the hips can help one feel less overall hip pain.

It teaches external rotation of the standing leg. Because we mostly stand parallel, an external rotation will help strengthen different muscles in the legs, hips, and pelvis that help offer a balanced strength in the lower body. When these areas are strengthened, you may be able to move into more challenging poses.

It opens the heart. Triangle Pose is not strictly a chest expanding/heart opening pose. But when it is practiced with true alignment in mind, the chest will be rotated upward, creating a slight arch in the upper back. It is a subtle upper body opening and can really be sensed when the pose is taken to a longer hold. It strengthens the core muscles. As you extend through your bottom ribs and hold your chest slightly open, your abdominal and back muscles will be working to keep you standing and balanced. Your core/abdominal muscles will be strengthened, as well as experiencing increased stamina in your upper body.

Triangle Pose can be challenging, but to reap the benefits as you learn the pose, don’t worry about your lower hand reaching the floor or even a yoga block. Think of your body being a slice of bread being dropped into a toaster. To help ensure this alignment, begin practicing it against a wall. And for all you geometry fans, see how many triangles your body is making!

Karen Watson Reeves was born and raised in Mount Holly and has called Hot Springs home since 2006. She became a registered yoga teacher in 2011 and has travelled Arkansas teaching her passion. She owns The Yoga Place, is on the Hot Springs YMCA teaching staff, is an adjunct instructor at National Park College, as well as teaching in several other fabulous venues. When not on the mat, Karen enjoys the beautiful outdoors of the National Park, especially from her bicycle.


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