About the Cover Photo . . . “Eric Gales” by Fab Tranzer

The proverbial “we” all agreed that this photo of Eric Gales is perfect for our cover featuring the Big Steam Music Festival. He looks like he is having an absolutely amazing time playing the guitar. The passion and joy on his face are contagious. We can’t wait to hear him play live!

Thank you to Magneto Guitars for contacting Fab Tranzer, the photographer, and getting permission to use the photo. And thank you to Fab for taking such a great photo.

Those with a discerning eye will notice Gales is playing left-handed. Rumor (and Wikipedia) has it, he learned to play the guitar upside down and backward. He is actually right-handed, but he was taught to play by his older brother who is left-handed. 

Playing upside down and backward is not something that everyone can do, but it has worked well for Gales. There are many great left-handed guitar players out there. If you’re a left-handed guitarist, don’t let your handedness hold you back from playing the instrument you love. There are plenty of resources available to help you learn and improve your skills.

Ok! Enough of the history. Back to the cover.

Hope to catch you hanging out at Big Steam enjoying the tunes – September 29-30.  The lineup is fabulous. (Check out page 10 of this issue for details.) 

Thanks again to Richard Stephens for his layout skills. We couldn’t do this without you! 

Happy September Harvesting, Folks!


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