Tarot: When To Have a Tarot Reading 

Choose the best time for your reading. Photo by Steve Bonner 

By Michelle Crandell 
Tarot does not tell the future; the future is not fixed. Readings provide guidance on issues, concerns, or problems the seeker selects. The seeker may see the situation from a different point of view, uncovering hidden aspects of the problem. A reading can indicate the seeker is on the right path to resolution of their concern. When to consult the Tarot? 

  1. DAILY. Many Tarot practitioners pull a single card every morning to guide their intentions for the day. Alternatively, doing the same practice before bed, using the power of dreams to influence their interpretation for guidance the next day. 
  1. WHEN THE OPPORTUNITY PRESENTS ITSELF. Crossing paths with a Tarot reader can happen randomly. Many people take this as a sign they are “due for a reading”, heeding the message of synchronicity. 
  1. TRANSITIONS. Traditional times to get a ten-card reading include: on or near your birthday, solstices, and the end/beginning of a calendar year. Personal transitions: ending or starting a new job, relationship, or lifestyle practice, moving, as well as a change in your health, or the health of a loved one.  
  1. MAKING A DECISION. Three card readings help. “Mind/Body/Spirit”, “Good/Better/Best”, or “Risk/Benefit/Worth It”, configurations can clarify issues affecting a decision. For important decisions, a ten-card spread is recommended.  
  1. INTUITIVELY. When your gut or your heart tells you a reading would help. 

Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email 

michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242. 


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