About the Cover . . . 

“City of the Arts” 

Gallery Walk Celebrates 35 years • 420 Consecutive Months 

August 2024 

As Gallery Walk celebrates its 35th anniversary this month, our cover showcases just a fraction of the art that has contributed to this significant milestone.  

Over these 35 years, spanning 420 consecutive months, countless galleries, thousands of artists, and, as noted by our city leaders, millions of visitors have left their mark on our arts community. 

The Hot Springs Area Cultural Alliance is sponsoring a champagne toast at 5:00 PM on Friday, August 2, at each of the galleries. 

Please use the map below to drop by the galleries to congratulate the dedicated gallery owners, staff, and volunteers who have sustained this tradition. 

We extend our deepest gratitude to the artists and gallery owners who contributed photos for the cover collage. We wish we could have included more of our artists, but it was a monumental task to arrange this design to include what we did. Our thanks go out to Erin Baber for transforming the artwork into a true work of art. 

Thank you to all those who have been part of this journey over the years! Here’s to the next 35! 


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