Happy 35th Anniversary from Artists’ Workshop Gallery 

By David Rose
During the Renaissance, painters and sculptors were celebrities, who, unlike many today, did things worthy of celebration. When Michaelangelo finished carving his David, the city of Florence declared a holiday, the sculpture was mounted on a cart and paraded through the city. 

This was a world lit only by fire. Books were few and only a small, elite, percentage of the population could read. Politicians gave speeches, as politicians are wont to, but only those within earshot could hear them. 

Art was the principal means of communicating with the public in general. Paintings and sculptures told them of their history.  

It is no surprise that the likes of Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Rafael, and Botticelli gathered in Florence. That’s where the patrons were, so that’s where the work was. 

Hot Springs earned its name as City of the Arts not simply because it attracted artists but because it developed patrons as well. Gallery Walk, celebrating its 35th anniversary, played a pivotal part. Artists Workshop Gallery was there from the beginning. Come help us celebrate with a sparkling toast on Friday, August 2 from 5-9 PM. 610A Central Avenue. 


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