About the Cover Photo … “All Hands on Deck” by Jeremy Rodgers

Conceived by a hands-on mad woman, implemented by the capable hands of a photographic genius, made possible by several dozen out-of-hand yet fabulous artists, fed by the excellent staff at what is hands down the most extraordinary bathhouse brewery in the world . . . this is the combo of chaotic stuff that brought about our “All Hands on Deck” May cover.

What a delight and joy it was to gather with these talented and (shhh – don’t tell them I said this) EXTREMELY LOUD peep-ull! 

Our very youngest hands belong to Livie, a precocious 8 yr-old emerging artist, and our very oldest hands, well, no one would claim that title but everyone thinks it’s Frank Janaskie. Smile and take a seat, Frank!

As for our hands. They’re fascinating! Usually, our hand is the first thing we give a person. Next time you shake hands pay attention to the hand you’re shaking. Our hands carry the history of our lives. They are fascinating in that even the most gnarly, wrinkled, veined, hands have something beautiful about them. 

As Nelson Mandela said, “It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.”Artists, you’re doing this with everything you create. Don’t ever stop. The world is grateful.


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