The Major Arcana Tarot card associated with Aquarius is The Star XVII.
By Michelle Crandell
Aquarians: People born between January 20 and February 18. Major Arcana card associated with Aquarius: The Star (XVII). Aquarius is an Air sign, connected with the Tarot suit of Swords. Lessons and opportunities presented to Aquarians follow.
January 20 to 29: Five of Swords. You have a more universal perspective on responsibility, success, time, and the nature of humanity than do most others. Drawn more to ideas than people, you shy away from conflict and competition. Your Opportunity: actualize your true genius. Your Challenge: compete to bring your dreams into reality. Face your fears about relationships not working out. Practice patience and conflict resolution in relationships.
January 30 to February 8: Six of Swords. You possess a creative, objective, focused mind, utilizing science and psychology to make your life easier. Understanding the laws of cause and effect, you work smarter, not harder. Your Opportunity: cultivating the calm, rational mind makes life easier, keeps you young, and helps you understand the human condition. Your Lesson: awe and admiration from others are no substitute for intimacy. Get in touch with deeper emotions.
February 9 to 18: Seven of Swords. Your mind comprehends the big picture, the way things are from a mystical or spiritual perspective. Your Opportunity: follow the open doors, intuitive choices, positive paths with confidence. Stay the course. Your Lesson: letting go of futile pursuits and dreams that cannot come true.
Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email, or call 501-655-6242.