Do You Believe in Angels?

By Peggy Lindsey
Nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe in these heavenly beings! In a recent study, 77% of adults believe in the existence of angels, while 30% more women do than men. Angels are spiritual beings created by God, whose mission is to communicate messages, give direction, offer comfort, and protect humankind. According to Angelology, the study of angels, there are nine “choirs” or branches of angels; however, only two interface directly with us here on Earth.

Archangels are the overseers of humankind and of the guardian angels. Each archangel has a specialty in which they serve humanity. Every person has personal guardian angels. They guide and protect an individual throughout his/her entire life on Earth. These angels know you and love you unconditionally.

Guardian angels will never interfere with your life plan, and they will only intercede when preventing physical death when it is not the proper time.

The angels want to be a part of your daily life. When calling upon them, the angels respond in a split second. They love assignments! If you have a loved one who is struggling, or if you witness an accident, ask the angels to attend to them. Our angels have frequent messages for us, but often times we aren’t tuned in to receive them.

I am an Angel Intuitive trained in providing Angel Readings for others. If you are interested in finding out what message your angels have for you, I am delighted to be of service in this way.

Angels don’t just sing at Christmastime . . . their mission is to bring peace to humanity every day.

Peggy Lindsey is a Professional Life Coach, Master Teacher of Arcing Light Energy Healing, and a Spiritual Mentor. Peggy’s passion is assisting women on their journey toward happy, healthy lives by empowering them to live more joyfully and consciously. She created her business, On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching, in 2012 and currently practices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She can be reached at 928-273-8447. For more info, visit


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