Spa Running Festival’s 5K/10K Take Place Nov. 14

The 10K and 5K races will both begin at 8:00am, Saturday, November 14.

The Spa Running Festival is an event for everyone … kids, walkers, beginners to elite runners and those that like a challenge! This year will be the 39th running of the Spa 10K and it has been selected by the RRCA Grand Prix Series to be a State Championship Race. The 5K is a fast and flat course, and for both walkers and runners! Are you up to the Challenge? 

With some adjustments to be COVID-19 compliant, they are planning on having a “live” event for the 10K and 5K Races and are excited to announce that the 2020 Spa Running Festival Event is SOLD OUT; therefore, there will not be any onsite registration.

The 10K and 5k races start and finish on Convention Blvd. in front of Embassy Suites. Due to COVID-19 corrals will be assigned with wave starts and social distancing will be implemented.  Both races will start at 8:00 am and wave starts will be in 2-minute intervals. 

To stay informed about November’s event be sure to follow the Spa Running Festival on Facebook and Instagram and updates at Festival organizers will continue to monitor COVID-19 and keep the public informed as they move forward in planning the event.

The Festival has received national recognition in the running community. Runner’s World Magazine featured the Spa Running Festival in the November 2015 edition and the 10K received recognition in Runner’s World Bucket List: 10 Races In or Near National Parks.

2021 is the 40th anniversary of the Spa 10K and, also marks the 100th anniversary of Hot Springs becoming a National Park. Spa Running Festival organizers are planning something special for 2021 with all of the Spa Running Festival races back and better than ever! Thank you for your dedication and support of the Spa Running Festival! For more information, please contact or visit


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