Log into Jackson House’s Virtual Silent Auction November 19th

Jackson House is announcing its Annual Thanksgiving Fundraiser which is going Virtual this year! Thank you to Honorary Chair, Dorothy Morris! The virtual event will be held November 19, 2020, 7 – 8:30 pm, online at www.jacksonhouse.org.

Wonderful works of art, vacation options and other items will be offered in a silent auction. All proceeds will go toward providing food and other necessities for those experiencing a crisis in our community.

Jackson House has distributed nearly a million pounds of food to children, families, seniors, veterans, and homeless so far this year! The facility NEVER shut down during the pandemic, providing over 50,000 lunches, groceries, clothing, household items, holiday food and toys, and many other services to help people through this hard time in our country. Many people who have never needed assistance before are coming to the place they know can help.

Jackson House, for 44 years, has provided needed services to our community thanks to you, Jackson House donors, partners, volunteers and clients whom they serve. They depend on the generosity of their donors to meet these serious needs of coworkers, friends, family and neighbors. Jackson House is “On The Front Lines Providing Services,” “A Place To Care And Be Cared For,” where “Every Item, Every Person Counts.” 

To make donations or for more information, call 501-623-4048 weekdays, or mail to or drop by 705 Malvern Avenue, Hot Springs, AR 71901. Thank you from the staff and volunteers at Jackson House – Keeping your donations Local!


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