Redefining How You See Yourself

By Peggy Lindsey

Today was no different. The daily routine did nothing to spark new thoughts or ideas. The broken record blared the same familiar tune over and over again, and life seemed stagnant. But deep inside something stirs . . . oh, to trade in this old programming for an exciting, fresh outlook on life!

Who do you see when you look at your reflection in the mirror. Do you only notice what is on the surface? Look deeper! The person gazing back wants you to look beyond. We ride the highs and lows of the roller coaster called Life – the joyous celebrations and the heart-wrenching disappointments. So, why does life seem so easy for some and so difficult for others? Simply . . . it is all about how they view themselves.

How do you see yourself? Powerful, deserving, valuable, lovable, and blessed abundantly! Or, weak, unworthy, insignificant, unlovable, and filled with lack. This answer is critical, for the beliefs we hold about ourselves pave the way we experience life.

Ready to redefine how you see yourself? It all begins with one statement. “I am.” These two little words are the most powerful to ever be spoken for they define you! “I AM.” Say with conviction how you wish to truly see yourself now: I AM POWERFUL. I AM LOVABLE. Build yourself up! Affirm all the positive aspects you desire to reflect!

The only limitations we have are those we place upon ourselves. We alone are responsible for our lives. It’s time to trade in the old that no longer serves you and embrace a fresh, uplifting definition of who you truly are! YOU are worth it!

Peggy Lindsey is a Master Teacher of Arcing Light Energy Healing, a Professional Life Coach, and an Angel Intuitive. Peggy’s passion is assisting others on their journey toward happy, healthy lives by empowering them to live more joyfully and consciously. She created her business On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching in 2012 and currently practices in Sedona, Arizona. She can be reached at 928-273-8447. For more info, visit



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