Tarot: The Magician

By Michelle Crandell.

The Fool’s first experience on his journey is with the Magician. The Fool comes upon a handsome man who is moving objects without even touching them.

The Fool watches fascinated, while the Magician effortlessly makes a sword, a cup, a wand and a disc do his bidding. He is captivated by this agile, entertaining man. “Where did you get these magic instruments?” the Fool asks.

The Magician likes this Fool. So, he shares a great secret: everyone has a sword—the ability to think. Everyone has a cup—the ability to feel and to have sensory experiences. Everyone has a wand—intuition, motivation and passion. Everyone has a disc—the ability to use one’s body and the raw materials found in the physical world.

The Magician tells the Fool, “How a person uses and develops skills with these tools determines his passage through life.” He tells the Fool to open his sack. “See there! You have your very own set of tools. They were in your sack all along.”

The Fool is so surprised. He sits right down and examines his own tools. They are something like those the Magician manipulates so deftly, but different, too. As the Fool gets up and takes his leave, the Magician tells him one more thing. “It is more important to learn to control your own tools than to attempt to control the tools of others.”

Michelle Crandell provides individual readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. For more information, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com or call 501-655-6242.


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