Tarot: The Fool’s Journey

By Michelle Crandell.

The Fool’s Journey is a story used to help students of Tarot remember the Major Arcana cards and the life lessons each card holds. The Journey starts with a dream, somewhere the Fool wants to go in life. Whether the Fool knows it or not, his journey may become one of profound discovery about life and about self. Every person being read for is the Hero of their own journey and so, of course, the Fool.

Each Major Arcana represents a universal learning the Fool is offered/challenged to master. The first lesson: The Magician, Card I. The Magician knows how to make dreams come true, turning thought into reality. He tells the Fool a Great Secret: we all possess magical gifts: thought, communication, emotion, motivation and a physical body. “Magic” is simply the adept use of capabilities each of us is given at birth. The story is completed by Card XXI: The World.

The Fool’s Journey is also called Twenty-One Doors. Each Major Arcana represents a door we must go through to learn the lesson contained within the card. The Hierophant: Card V, teaches us about acquisition of knowledge.

To “learn how to teach”, the Fool needs teachers who communicate information effectively. To “learn how to learn”, the Fool needs exposure to many methods of learning, discovering those which work for him. Using practice, the Fool learns to apply knowledge creatively.

As Tarot students tell and retell the Fool’s Journey, their memory of the Major Arcana improves. In addition, telling and retelling the story reveals deeper patterns of wisdom every time.

Michelle Crandell provides individual readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. For more information, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com or call 501-655-6242.


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