How Cold Soup Can Warm the Holidays

On December 6th, enjoy a fine bowl of Gazpacho, the cold tomato soup.

By Alison Crane
One would think that a national day celebrating a cold soup would be established on a warm day of summer. For National Gazpacho Day, that is not the case. Whatever the reason, Sunday, December 6th, is a day that a few hardy individuals will deliberately eat gazpacho, a cold tomato soup.

Just so everyone is one the same page, let me tell you about gazpacho. Usually, gazpacho is made using fresh tomatoes, various seasonings, maybe even a little bit of bread to thicken it, and other fresh vegetables like cucumbers and peppers. Preparation for this cold soup is easy and fast using a blender or food processor, since it does not require any cooking. If you do not have fresh tomatoes and vegetables on hand, canned tomatoes and tomato sauce can be used to speed up the process even more.

Gazpacho is high in Vitamin A, E, and C. These vitamins are useful in supporting our immune system which can take a beating at this time of year. It also has antioxidants that will reduce the action of free radicals therefore protecting our body from cellular damage. Holiday foods tend to be high on fats and carbs, but not so high on fruits and vegetables, so adding a zesty bowl of gazpacho to the menu can help balance out the diet.

If those tidbits of nutritional benefit are not tempting enough to make you want to try it, maybe considering that gazpacho originated as a tasty dish of the Mediterranean area will. Let’s face it, December can be a dreary weather month. Why not eat a bowl of sun-kissed goodness and dream of warm breezes and sandy beaches?

Looking for ways to be healthy during the holidays? Contact the Garland County Extension office at 501-623-6841 or email For an easy recipe for Gazpacho Sevillano and other healthy Mediterranean dishes, visit our webpage at 

Alison Crane is a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent with the Garland County Extension Service. The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offers all its Extension and Research programs to all eligible persons.


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