Tarot: Swords – Mental Energy

In Tarot, the Seven of Swords represents challenging mental states.

By Michelle Crandell

In the Tarot, Minor Arcana cards are divided into four suits – Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Each suit is associated with personal qualities, astrological signs, and challenges connected to the suit.

Swords represent mental energy: thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and the process of thinking itself. Decision making, problem solving, reasoning and logic are represented by cards in the suit of Swords. For example, the Two of Swords can indicate compromise, creating “win-win” solutions, or peace of mind.

Challenging mental states are also represented by Swords. The Five of Swords, for example, represents distorted perceptions that come from fearful thinking. Since “all problems start in the mind,” the way a person thinks about a problem can help that person solve the problem or make the problem worse. The suit of Swords addresses this dilemma.

The three astrological Air signs: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra are associated with Swords. Aquarius, the Water Bearer represents openness to new ideas and innovation (Ace of Swords). Unfortunately, new ideas created in the mind can be destroyed by thinking of all the reasons they cannot become real (Seven of Swords).

Gemini, the Twins, represents the ability to see the pros and cons of any situation or the strengths and weakness of any person (Four of Swords.) As a result, indecisiveness and second guessing may occur (Eight of Swords.)

Libra, the Scales, represents justice, objectivity and the quest for truth (Six of Swords.) Libra also represents the judgmental, opinionated, closed mind (Nine of Swords.) Swords indicate thinking challenges, such as; “sorrow in the mind” – reworking old wounds (Three of Swords); and “ruin” – a mental decision that becomes a negative self-fulfilling prophesy (Ten of Swords.)

Swords identify thinking strengths to offset the challenges, too.

Michelle Crandell provides individual readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. For more information, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com or call 501-655-6242.


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