Yoga: Easy Pose

By Karen Watson Reeves

The pose we are focusing on this month is a common seated pose and one that many think of when yoga is brought to mind. It is called “easy” pose because that is the translation from the Sanskrit name of the pose. Other translations are “comfortable” or “joy.”

When I explain this in a class, it often brings a chuckle because sitting here for any length of time for our overwhelmingly tight-hipped society can feel anything but comfortable or joyful. We automatically practiced this position as children, but due to sitting in chairs, we lose the ability to sit in this position with ease.

This is a modern problem, as the early yogis didn’t have the luxury of chairs. And still in many eastern cultures, sitting on the floor is expected and commonplace, so the hips, ankles, and back are accustomed to it. So to help practice this seated posture with more ease, modifications can be made, such as propping up on a folded blanket, cushion, or yoga block, thus bringing the hips higher than the knees. And practicing regularly will gradually allow the hips to open and bring the spine into correct alignment.

Besides the obvious hip-opening and spine-aligning benefits, there are also other reasons to sit on the floor. This pose also opens the knees and ankles, lengthens the back muscles, and promotes a sense of groundedness. When a breath technique, such as taking the breath deeper and longer, is added, this pose can help decrease anxiety and promote a sense of peace and calm. The result is less stress, and who doesn’t need that!!

Just give it a try! A few times a day (or especially when life gets challenging), come down to the floor, feel grounded in your sit bones, lengthen your spine, and take a few deep breaths. Increase the time gradually and begin to feel more open in the hips, enjoying better posture, and reap the benefits of finding relaxation and calmness, thus reducing stress and anxiety. It’s that “easy!”

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