Hiding Behind the Mask

By Peggy Lindsey

Do you remember as children how we loved Halloween? Costumes played a huge part of the fun – being someone else for a short time. And while witches and goblins were truly spooky for the occasion, many played super hero or princess! There was something magical about being someone powerful and beautiful who could change the world! But as we got older we shed the fairytale . . . but did we leave the mask behind?

As adults we tend to still play make believe. We glance in the mirror and see someone looking back at us, and it’s one we’ve almost forgotten. Oh, yes we can see that we are getting older and frown a bit as we survey a wrinkle or two. Notice, though, that rarely do we look into our own eyes. Who is that person? Who are we . . . really?

Society presses upon us all sorts of standards for success – what career choice we made, how much money we have, what events we participate in, even our clothes size seems to be ranked high on the list. And it is no wonder we cover up who we really are! We fear we won’t measure up, and deep inside, we just want to be loved and accepted.

Living our lives as someone else will not bring those things. Lies rarely amount to much. Isn’t it time for us to be real? Are we ready to set down our masks and be fully authentic? Doing so not only empowers us to stand courageously and beautifully in our own light, but it gives others permission to do the same!


On Key

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