Start Heart Month by Treating Yourself to a Healthy Heart 

Brush up on your heart health. 

February is a month where hearts are visible all month long. Not only is this for Valentine’s Day, but it is also for American Heart Month to promote heart health. 

Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One person dies every 33 seconds in America from a heart attack. In 2022, the Centers for Disease Control estimated that about 1 out of every 5 deaths in America was from heart disease.  

Why is heart disease so prevalent? Because its risk factors are incredibly common. The leading risk factors for heart disease are: 

  1. High blood pressure 
  1. High cholesterol 
  1. High blood sugars (diabetes) 
  1. Smoking  
  1. Obesity 

These conditions damage the heart muscle and can cause accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Over time, this leads to growing blockages in the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart itself. When the heart muscle is under stress and does not receive enough oxygen, this causes “heart pain” called angina. A heart attack occurs when the blockage is 100%; however, patients may feel angina even at blockages as low as 50% in certain situations. 

How do I reduce my risk? Strive for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity weekly to improve cardiac fitness as well as control the above risk factors. Moderate-intensity activity generally means fast enough to where you cannot sing, but slow enough to carry on a conversation. For more information, visit with your primary care physician.  

Dr. Annie Xu is a local primary care physician at Hot Springs Internal Medicine Clinic, specializing in chronic care management, women’s health, and general practice medicine. Her clinic is located at 301 Exchange St, Hot Springs. To schedule an appointment, call 501-621-4222. 


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