Tarot Mindset #1: Trust Your Intuition 

If you want more access to intuition, learn to read Tarot. Photo by Steve Bonner

By Michelle Crandell 
A grand idea comes to you out of the blue. A dream comes true in waking life. A small inner voice protects you from harm. Someone who died “sends you a message.” You’re in the right place at the right time. You say “Yes” and everything is “different better” as a result. Someone gives you a spontaneous inspiration; you take it and it changes your life. 

Here’s a secret. Everyone is intuitive. 

INTUITION: the ability to suspend rational belief, open to universal wisdom and information AND stay grounded in reality. Angeles Arrien called this ability “walking a spiritual path with practical feet.”  

In order to read Tarot, you need to become comfortable accessing information from unseen energetic sources. These sources communicate through universal symbols; such as: numbers, words, colors, places, animals, and universal human experiences. Some ways to practice connecting to intuition include: 
1. Guided Imagery meditations.
2. Creating Affirmations.
3. Looking for universal meanings in art and everyday life.
4. Dream interpretation.
5. Practicing divergent thinking.
6. Developing the ability to recognize patterns in yourself, other people, and the world.
7.Studying Archetypes.

In Tarot, Major Arcana cards symbolize universal learnings, truths, and experiences. Minor Arcana cards indicate universal patterns of thinking, feeling, motivation, intuition, and real-life experiences. If you want more access to intuition, learn to read Tarot. 

Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242. 


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