By Michelle Crandell
A grand idea comes to you out of the blue. A dream comes true in waking life. A small inner voice protects you from harm. Someone who died “sends you a message.” You’re in the right place at the right time. You say “Yes” and everything is “different better” as a result. Someone gives you a spontaneous inspiration; you take it and it changes your life.
Here’s a secret. Everyone is intuitive.
INTUITION: the ability to suspend rational belief, open to universal wisdom and information AND stay grounded in reality. Angeles Arrien called this ability “walking a spiritual path with practical feet.”
In order to read Tarot, you need to become comfortable accessing information from unseen energetic sources. These sources communicate through universal symbols; such as: numbers, words, colors, places, animals, and universal human experiences. Some ways to practice connecting to intuition include:
- Guided Imagery meditations.
- Creating Affirmations.
- Looking for universal meanings in art and everyday life.
- Dream interpretation.
- Practicing divergent thinking.
- Developing the ability to recognize patterns in yourself, other people, and the world.
- Studying Archetypes.
In Tarot, Major Arcana cards symbolize universal learnings, truths, and experiences. Minor Arcana cards indicate universal patterns of thinking, feeling, motivation, intuition, and real-life experiences. If you want more access to intuition, learn to read Tarot.
Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email, or call 501-655-6242.