Boldly Stepping into the New 

By Peggy Lindsey
Instead of the usual New Year’s resolutions, I invite you to consider a fresh approach in 2025. It’s a bold move . . . and perhaps a bit unfamiliar, but it’s a game changer. Living from the heart . . . That’s it? It sounds simple enough. But, can we do it?  

It’s not just about doing nice things for people. It’s about getting out of our thinking mind and embracing the rawness of our emotions. It’s about leaving the brain to all its processing to listening to and trusting the messages our bodies are trying to convey. 

In our society men and women alike are stuck in “think, fix, do” mode . . . all the time! What if we give ourselves the opportunity to just “feel, allow, be”? Generations have shut down this part of themselves. So much so that we’ve become strangers with the other half of who we truly are. 

Imagine how our lives would change if we shifted gears from thinking to feeling. Mind you, the ego may throw a tantrum and push the panic button. But aren’t we tired of all the worry our mind generates? The constant “what if this, and what if that” keep us prisoners of fear, and they certainly rob us of living life to its fullest potential. 

Instead of a TO DO list this year, let’s explore what it means to just BE . . . to discover who we are on the inside, not just in the outer world. Yes, it’s a bold move, but the results will be more beautiful than you can imagine! 

Peggy Lindsey is a Professional Life Coach, Master Teacher of Arcing Light Energy Healing, and a Spiritual Mentor. Her passion is assisting women on their journey toward happy, healthy lives by empowering them to live more joyfully and consciously. She created her business, On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching, in 2012 and currently practices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She can be reached at 928-273-8447. For more info, 


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