While demonstrating Head to Knee pose, Karen Watson Reeves is hoping to convince Santa she’s on the Nice List. Photo by Fred Padilla.
By Karen Watson Reeves
Naughty or nice?
How has it been with you this year? Which list will Santa find you on?
If you are in disbelief mode (not in Santa, of course, but how can it even be December??) you might be experiencing a bit of stress and anxiety over all the things that remain to be done before this calendar year ends.
If that describes you even a little, then what a great pose we are featuring this month. Forward bends are calming, and this is my personal favorite seated forward bend. Head to Knee pose helps relax and calm the body and the mind, and when held for several breaths, anxiety and stress can be greatly reduced.
Other benefits of posture include stretching the shoulders, spine, hamstring on the leg that is extended, neck, abdominal muscles, and the hip adductor on the leg that is bent. Slow, deep breathing is encouraged.
And the goal of the pose is neither to touch your toes (a yoga strap can be used to increase the stretch for those who cannot hold the foot) nor to bring the head down to the knee. Rather the head should come forward and for flexible folks, even extend past the knee.
As with any yoga pose, the practitioner moves into the posture until they find “the edge,” the place when intensity is experienced but pain is not felt.
When I complete a nice stretchy yoga session and my stress and anxiety levels are lowered, I definitely feel nicer. Maybe you should give yoga a try with us to stay off the naughty list.
You know you cannot fool Santa.
Karen Watson Reeves has called Hot Springs home since 2006. Owner of The Yoga Place, at 301 Whittington Avenue, she became a registered yoga/children’s yoga teacher in 2011. When not on the mat, Karen enjoys the beautiful outdoors of the National Park, especially from her bicycle. Find more information about her studio and her schedule of classes at www.theyogaplacehs.com.