HSACA’s Networking Meeting Open to Area Artists 

The Hot Springs Area Cultural Alliance (HSACA) will host its next Quarterly Networking Meeting on September 26, at The Club House, 118 Arbor Street. 

Meetings are held from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Check the website at www.HotSpringsArts.org or FB: HotSpringsAreaCulturalAlliance for full details. 

The Quarterly Networking Meetings hosted by HSACA serve as an opportunity for members of the art-loving community to gather, network, and discuss upcoming events or opportunities, as well as create new contacts.  

These meetings allow area artists, art-based businesses, and art enthusiasts to discuss current projects or ideas, share what they need help with, and let HSACA know what kind of programming or opportunities are needed in the community. 

For more information about HSACA or any of its programming visit www.HotSpringsArts.org or email liz@hotspringsarts.org.


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