Yoga: Benefits of Twisted Lizard Pose 

Karen Watson Reeves demonstrates Twisted Lizard Pose. Photo by Fred Padilla. 

By Karen Watson Reeves 
The Twisted Lizard Pose is a deeper and more challenging variation of Lizard Pose, which was featured in this space last autumn. Lizard Pose is an intense and full-body strengthener and effective hip opener. 

Incorporating the twist adds the element of opening the front of the body and stretching the quadriceps. As Twisted Lizard is classified as an intermediate yoga pose, it can be helpful to use yoga props such as blocks and straps for the beginner or less flexible practitioner. 

Placing yoga blocks under the hands or forearms can relieve pressure from the wrists. Looping a strap around the foot or ankle of the bent leg can be helpful for those who can’t reach the foot with the opposite hand, thus increasing the stretching of the quad.  

Because of the focus on the hips and quads, this is a beneficial pose for athletes or any physically active folks who tend to be strong but tight.  

It is summertime in our beautiful national park and city, and there are so many great outdoor activities to be enjoyed including hiking, cycling, swimming, jogging, and kayaking to name a few. Get out there and enjoy our natural beauty. Then be sure to give yourself a good twist and stretch afterwards.  

Karen Watson Reeves has called Hot Springs home since 2006. Owner of The Yoga Place, at 301 Whittington Avenue, she became a registered yoga/children’s yoga teacher in 2011. When not on the mat, Karen enjoys the beautiful outdoors of the National Park, especially from her bicycle. Find more information about her studio and her schedule of classes at 


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