Self-Care in Times of Crisis 

By Peggy Lindsey
You know the moment . . . when time stands still . . . the phone call comes, and everything else seems unimportant as you face what’s in front of you.  There’s no warning.  The shock freezes you or puts you in overdrive.  It all feels so surreal. 

In moments of crisis, the importance of self-care cannot be overstated.  Maintaining your mental, emotional, and physical health is crucial!  Self-care practices can support you when facing adversity. 

  1. Acknowledge your Emotions.  You are going to experience a full range of emotions during a crisis.  Suppressing your feelings of fear, anger, or sadness only adds to your stress.  Give yourself permission to feel and process your emotions . . . talk to a friend or let loose in your journal.  Let your feelings flow! 
  1. Maintain a Routine.  A daily routine can provide a sense of some normalcy and control.  Simple daily activities like washing the dishes and taking a shower can reduce anxiety.  Routines are comforting in stressful times. 
  1. Stay Connected.  This is crucial in a time of crisis.  Reach out to your loved ones, even if you can only text.  They are there to provide you with emotional support! 
  1. Limit Media:  Live without the news during this time as it can heighten anxiety.  
  1. Practice Relaxation:  Techniques like meditation or yoga help manage stress and bring a sense of calm.  They encourage staying present and reduce worry. 

In times of crisis, self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity!  Maintaining your well-being will help you navigate the rough times in life.   

Peggy Lindsey is a Professional Life Coach, Master Teacher of Arcing Light Energy Healing, and a Spiritual Mentor. Her passion is assisting women on their journey toward happy, healthy lives by empowering them to live more joyfully and consciously. She created her business, On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching, in 2012 and currently practices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She can be reached at 928-273-8447. For more info, visit 


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