AAC Opens Small Works on Paper 

Presented by the Arkansas Arts Council (AAC), Small Works on Paper (SWOP) is a juried, touring, visual art exhibition that showcases 2D artwork created by Arkansas artists that is no larger than 18-by-24 inches. Submitting artists must be on the Artist Registry. 

The SWOP exhibition travels to up to 10 venues throughout the state in a yearlong show and offers Arkansas artists an opportunity to showcase their artwork to patrons all over the state.  

SWOP is open to current members of the Arkansas Artist Registry. (Non-members submitting an entry are required to join the Registry at time of entry.) The deadline to submit is July 26. The Arkansas Artist Registry is free and open to all visual artists who are Arkansas residents ages 18 and up.  

Up to $2,000 will be available for juror-selected awards. Selected works will become part of the SWOP permanent collection. $15 for one entry, $20 for two entries, or $25 for three entries.  

All work must be original, on paper, and completed within the last two years. Eligible mediums include painting, photography, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, and collage. No reproductions or copies will be accepted. Artwork created by using reference material must be significantly different from its source. 

Dimensions of actual work can be any size, but if work is accepted, it must be matted or mounted and fit within a frame of one of the following sizes: 18″ x 18″ or 18″ x 24″ (H x W or W x H). Matted or mounted work, plus backing board, must not exceed ½-inch thickness to fit in frames.  

Frames will be provided by the Arkansas Arts Council for accepted artwork. Artwork may be refused if the digital image is not an accurate representation of work. Host locations reserve the right to determine the number of works shown and layout of the exhibition at their local sites. Some locations may not display the entire exhibition. A maximum of 40 works may be selected. All artists will be notified regarding the status of their entries in the fall. Accepted artworks must be at the AAC office by Nov. 8. 

For questions, please contact Cheri Leffew at 501-324-9767 or at cheri.leffew@arkansas.gov


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