On the podium: Stefanie Frey (1st), Christine Giblin (2nd), Miranda Hood Brewer (3rd)
Stacy Green and Miranda Jean Hood Brewer qualified to compete at the 2023 Masters World Championship (MWC) Highland Games in Neuendorf, Switzerland. Representing Hot Springs National Park and America, both made it to the podium and made history.
Hood Brewer received a well-deserved 3rd place in the Women’s Masters Lightweight division. And, local Athletic Director, Green, became the 2023 Men’s Masters Lightweight (3rdx) World Champion!

After her win in Switzerland, Hood Brewer traveled to Braemar, Scotland, where she and a handful of Americans were the first-ever women in history to participate on the field of the Royal Braemar Gathering Highland Games, in which, King Charles III and Queen Camilla were in attendance. This “Sisterhood of Highland Throwers” has been invited by the Royal Scottish Highland Games Association to attend the Mae Highland Games in August 2024, to help expand the numbers of female athletes on the fields of Scotland.
Hood Brewer’s father, Rick Hood, was also in competition in the MWC Highland Games and joined her in her travels. All three athletes will likely be invited to compete in the 2024 Masters World Championship, located near Jacksonville, Florida.

A new Highland Game Artwork. Local legend and famous artist, Chris Meeks, designed a new “Garbage Pail Kid” depicting Hood Brewer, and his color-genius wife, Sandy, gave life to it giving Hood Brewer the title of “Caber Queen.”
What are Highland Games you might ask? Highland Games are iconic Scottish events, which take place all over the world. They include nine different events within the competition.
The BRAEMAR STONE THROW, where there is no approach as you throw for distance. OPEN STONE THROW, also known as shot put, throwing for distance. HEAVY and LIGHTWEIGHT FOR DISTANCE, with a weight on a chain & handle.
HEAVY and LIGHT HAMMER THROW, a weight on a 50-inch pole, thrown behind you for distance, as the people around you are protected by a cage. WEIGHT FOR HEIGHT, a weight with a handle thrown up and over a bar. SHEAF TOSS, using a pitchfork to toss a weighted burlap bag over a bar for height.
And, last but not least, the legendary CABER TOSS, in which a log of 13’-20’ in length is stood upright, lifted by the athlete and flipped forward, end over end, with a goal of it landing at a 12 o’clock position, directly opposite the tosser.
For those interested, there are regular practices in Hot Springs and Little Rock. Training for the Games requires technique, which may take some time, and the athletic directors are always helpful.
Just take the first step, and sign up! The people and athletes involved in this sport are top-notch. They are always willing to give good advice, keep you out of harm’s way, and give you a good sportsmanship kind of competition. There are so many reasons to become a Highlander.
Check out the Facebook: Arkansas Highlanders page for information on local events and practices, including Hot Springs, Little Rock, Batesville, Mt. Vernon, and more. And, if you are interested in learning more, you can also contact Athletic Director, Stacy Green at 501-356-5216, and visit www.2024mwc.com to learn more about the Masters World Championships.