Go on a Reading Adventure This Summer! 

Summer hours at Garland County Library make your Summer Reading Program goals easy to attain. Open seven days a week! 

By Erin Baber
Calling all explorers, adventurers, and bookworms! The Garland County Library is thrilled to announce a brand new summer reading program (SRP) beginning June 1! The Library is revamping the SRP to be more inclusive for readers of all ages – the premise this year is easy:  

  1. Get a summer reading map from the Library – go in person or print one from www.gclibrary.com/srp beginning June 1. 
  1. Set a daily reading goal. This can be anything – 10 minutes each day, one chapter before bed, an article from a favorite magazine, a kid’s storybook, or even the ridiculously long life stories that seem to preface every online recipe.  
  1. Move forward a space on the map for each day you meet your own reading goal. 
  1. Visit the Library to pick up a small prize and get a raffle ticket to enter to win a big prize of your choice for every 10 days you hit your goal. 
  1. Turn in your completed maps (50 days read between June 1 and July 31) for a certificate and an additional raffle ticket to enter a variety of prizes based on your age range. 

This year’s SRP is only available on paper – there is no online tracking. Read all the details about this year’s program at www.gclibrary.com/srp.  

The Garland County Library is located at 1427 Malvern Avenue in Hot Springs. Visit  www.gclibrary.com to access the online catalog, accounts, e-materials, and more 24/7 from any internet device. Remember that having fun isn’t hard when you have a library card. 

Erin Baber is Library Marketing Manager at the Garland County Library.


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