“Treat Every Day Like Christmas”

The cast of “Elf: The Musical” puts on a delightful performance at Pocket Theatre.

According to Buddy the Elf, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” That’s exactly what The Pocket Community Theatre plans to do with their next production Elf: The Musical opening Thursday, November 30 with eight performances.

This hilarious fish-out-of-water holiday comedy follows a very human Buddy on his quest to New York City to find his true identity apart from the elves he’s always known at Santa’s Workshop in the North Pole.  

Director Tami Kendall is excited to finally bring Elf: The Musical to the stage; it was originally scheduled for performance in December 2020. It’s one of her favorites because it always makes her laugh. “I want everyone to come and have fun and laugh,” she said. 

The mission at The Pocket Community Theatre is to stimulate, promote, educate, and develop interest in the dramatic arts. Many people in our community can truthfully say they have grown up at The Pocket. Elf: The Musical provides ample opportunity for young talent and seasoned veterans. 

“Nobody came close to Levi for the part of Buddy,” Tami declared. Levi Wilson has performed in several Pocket productions including The Music Man, Glass Menagerie, and Forever Plaid. “But the Ensemble is just as important. They are on stage nearly the whole time and carry the story forward with wonderful costumes and amazing dance numbers.” Tami and assisting choreographers Allison Callaway and Lilie Lim started dance workshops back in June before auditions.

To order tickets, call 501-623-8585 or go online to pockettheatre.com.

Performance dates are: Thursday: November 30 & December 7. 

Sunday: December 3 & 10

The Pocket Community Theatre has been a part of the Hot Springs, landscape for over 30 years, incorporating as a non-profit 501(c)(3) in 1996. 

In 2005, the Ramble Street Elementary School auditorium at 170 Ravine Street became their permanent home. Check them out on Facebook or online at pockettheatre.com.

And remember, “Treat every day like Christmas”…it’s the code of the Elves!


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