Leftover Sunday

Is this a vegetable side dish or dessert?

By David Rose
Thanksgiving got outflanked by Christmas. The Yuletide armies raced across the open ground between Thanksgiving and Halloween like Mongol hordes across the Asian steppes. Christmas is now laying siege to Halloween which is hunkered down behind ramparts of rotting pumpkins and moldering hay bales reinforced with the bones of plastic skeletons. Thanksgiving has been left behind the lines, struggling to hold onto its lonely outpost like Gordan at Khartoum.

We at the Unitarian Universalist Church out on 1701 Spring Street strive to be more thankful and less commercial. Toward that end we will be having a leftover potluck lunch after the service on Sunday, the 26th of November. Perhaps we can extend Thanksgiving an extra day.

Please come and join us for both the service – at 10:30 – and the lunch afterward. Bring your viable leftovers if you like. 

PS – I’m not really fond of those molded Jell-O dishes. You know the ones I’m talking about, the ones with vegetables imbedded in the Jell-O and marshmallows on the top. They’re just so non-committal. Are they a vegetable side dish or a dessert? Pick a lane. Also, everything on your primary Thanksgiving plate should be gravy-friendly and Jell-O certainly is not.


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