Being There for Each Other

By Peggy Linsdey
Everyone experiences moments of pain or despair, and at times we reach out to that special friend or family member . . . that one who will drop everything to be by your side, to talk hours on the phone, who will hold you physically and emotionally. These precious ones help us regain our balance. Their presence soothes us, helping us to realize we are not alone.

This person calmly sits with us and listens intently as we share our broken heart in a flood of emotion. We may not need fixing or have a problem that needs to be solved . . . we may only need to be genuinely heard and understood. We require no judgment or accusation, only compassion and love. 

These relationships are not just shopping sprees, coffee dates, and Sunday dinners. They are about showing up for each other when life gets messy. It’s the little acts of kindness as well as the heroic rescues in the middle of the night. These bonds are real and true. 

We need these human angels in the world, and we will have opportunities to be one for someone else. Can we choose to be there when the need arises? Can we commit to showing up?

The people in our lives and the relationships we have built are our greatest treasures. And being there for each other in times of difficulty and ease, for work and play, and in moments of sadness and joy, are the gifts of being human. Being there . . . that is what life is all about.

Peggy Lindsey is a Professional Life Coach, Master Teacher of Arcing Light Energy Healing, and a Spiritual Mentor. Her passion is assisting women on their journey toward happy, healthy lives by empowering them to live more joyfully and consciously. She created her business, On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching, in 2012 and currently practices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She can be reached at 928-273-8447. For more info, visit


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