Happiness Actions: Expecting the Best

Christi Nation

By Christi Nation
“The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car… a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result, they get little.” Ben Sweetland
I love this thought – We get to decide whether we are in scarcity or in abundance. It is one of the main reasons why settling for less is the norm. Don’t buy into the lie of scarcity – there is enough to go around.  
Abundance and the patience for it to materialize go hand in hand.
It is like harvesting a garden prematurely because of fear of what could happen before the crop matures. It boils down to trusting the crop will reach its fullest potential. When we believe in abundance, the waiting process is irrelevant because we trust in the outcome. If we harvest prematurely, there will be a scarce crop.
No successful farmers or gardeners expect their crops to fail. They are in full expectation of bountiful, abundant harvests. Yes, they know there may be setbacks but they know they will be rewarded for their patience. Many people have the mentality of expecting to fail. They focus on the past when things did not work out and ignore when things went right.
The practice of gratitude is an antidote to the scarcity mindset. You get what you focus on.  
Until next time, here are your Happiness Action Steps:
Expect the best.  It may not happen the first, second, third, or tenth time but with patience, you WILL get it. Focus on gratitude. When you see how many things you have to be grateful for, it is difficult to see the scarcity. To paraphrase the quote above – Bring a truck to the fountain instead of a teaspoon.

Christi Nation, President of Nation Training & Development, has over 20 years of experience teaching communication and productivity principles. You can find her at www.ChristiNation.com. When she is not teaching, you will usually find her telling the latest story about her beloved nephew and niece.


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