Enjoy the Merriment at Hot Springs Renaissance Faire

Dragons, knights, pumpkins, and scarecrows are afoot at the Hot Springs Renaissance Faire.

Come and experience the age of dragons, knights, and Queen Elizabeth with her court. The Hot Springs Renaissance Faire (HSRF) has been called a pure delight to witness (Dragon Fest Magazine I2V1). The faire has been listed in numerous faire listings and is an award-winning production company. 

The HSRF is an organization with a mission statement that is to enhance literacy and imagination in all ages through historical fun family experiences. “We can’t wait to help spread the word of our 5th Anniversary celebration,” stated Travis Gates, president of Gates Family Entertainment, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that the faire works under.

The faires largest expansion is happening this year. Enjoy the Snoddy’s family farm, with pumpkins, scarecrows, and music galore. There will be over 100 merchants, 20 acts of entertainment located on 5 different stages, the largest medieval combat tournament in Arkansas, and so much more merriment with each passing day. There is only one Renaissance Faire in the state of Arkansas that can bring it to you.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.purplepass.com/hsrenfaire5. The Hot Springs Renaissance Faire runs October 28 and 29 at the Garland County fairgrounds. The Hot Springs Renaissance Faire, where merriment lives on! See thee there!


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