
By Erin Wood

“Our brains are wired to avoid risks and first steps in new projects,” Benton author and motivational speaker Cara Brookins shares. “But Unstuck provides a proven system to work with our brains to overcome this avoidance and get big things done.”

In her new guide to overcoming procrastination and reshaping the way readers think about productivity, Brookins shares how to reach goals that once seemed impossible.

Released in April, Unstuck: End Procrastination Using the Ancient Psychology Behind How-To Videos combines ancient principles and modern neuroscience with true stories from ordinary people around the world who achieved extraordinary things. The result is a guide to getting things done against all odds.

From the man who carved through a mountain to the eight-year-old who drove himself on an important mission to the woman who had a billion-dollar idea and the man who electrified a remote village, humans have proven time and time again that no obstacle or disadvantage is too big.

Brookins should know about reaching seemingly impossible goals. After escaping an abusive marriage, she had four children to provide for and no one to turn to but herself. Needing a home but without the means to buy one, she and her kids built their own home from the foundation up equipped only with YouTube tutorials, a small loan, and sheer determination. She shared the story in Rise: How a House Built a Family (St. Martin’s, 2017).

Now, in Unstuck, Brookins is a partner in making sure we live up to our greatest potential. Find her at carabrookins.com. Unstuck is available wherever books are sold. Hot Springs native, Erin Wood is a writer, editor, and publisher in Little Rock. She owns and runs (www.etaliapress.com). Wood is author of “Women Make Arkansas: Conversations With 50 Creatives” (April 2019) and editor of and a contributor to “Scars: An Anthology” (2015).


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