Tarot & Astrology: Pisces

The Major Arcana Tarot card associated with Pisces is The Moon XVIII.

By Michelle Crandell
If your birthday falls between February 19 and March 20, you are Pisces, a Water sign associated with the Tarot suit of Cups. Major Arcana card governing Pisces: The Moon. Lessons, challenges, and opportunities follow.

February 19 to 28: Eight of Cups. Spirituality, the arts, and human knowledge attract you. You are equally drawn to the confusion and shadow aspects of The Moon. Practical concerns and secure relationships may elude you. You might become aloof, reclusive, and guarded. Your Challenge: Choose friends carefully. Stay in the present. Let go of people, situations, and emotions that do not help you in life. Your Lesson: regret and depression are caused by overextension, avoiding choice, and hanging on.

March 1 to 10: Nine of Cups. You enjoy escaping the world of people, spending long periods alone in nature, in your imagination, or sharing intimacy with people who appreciate your sensitivity and idiosyncrasies. Your Challenge: realize happiness stems from your own thoughts and actions. Your Lesson: create joy and pleasure in relationships with loyal, loving people.

March 11 to 20: Ten of Cups. You have more access to universal guidance than most. You ponder “big questions,” trying to make peace with what is objective and subjective, pragmatic and ideal. Unless you practice personal development and practical self-discipline, you will struggle to make dreams come true. Your Lesson: realize contentment comes from within, based on how you perceive life. Your Opportunity: cultivate gratitude, appreciating your good fortune.

Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242.


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