Infinite Health: What Is Your Rhythm?

By Mala Daggett
“Growth is the only evidence of life.”

Every life wants to be a little more… whether via long, consistent strides or small, staccato steps, just a little more. Even the most fearful want at least some small expansion through the years because life innately seeks to find its ultimate nature. 

The nature of life is to grow, to expand… relax and expand some more. This is the rhythm of growth. Breathing portrays the rhythm. Inhale, the lungs expand. Exhale, the lungs relax. Just as the earth’s pulse; the human pulse; and the multiplication of cells move, so does life. Expand and relax or contract is the undulation of growth. To paraphrase the 19th century theologian and saint, John Henry Newman, growth is not only the evidence of life, it is the ONLY evidence of life. Some part of us must expand and relax in order to be alive. 

The rhythm of it is what allows growth to be ongoing- physical, spiritual, mental or emotional. The rhythm allows water or air to move constantly. Without the exhale, inhale will not follow. It is the rhythm that moves and lives life. Without it, energy stagnates. Stagnation builds and eventually hardens when expansion does not exist. Death will follow any stagnation that is not interrupted with expansion. Results are the same inside or outside of the body. What is your rhythm? 

Master Mala Daggett’s 27 years of cleansing and weaving energy result from her passion to help people rediscover their true human capacity for power, strength and joy. IG: @qi_master_daggett 501-626-2720.


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