Simple Ways to Make Your New Year’s Goals Come True

Try these simple tips to make your 2023 goals attainable.

By Dominique Kohlenberger

Statistics show that we make the same New Year’s resolutions each year and more than 50% who set goals fall off the resolution bandwagon by mid-February because we take on too much and we make it too complicated which leaves us overwhelmed and frustrated. So what is the point?

In 2021, I decided what I’d like to change and what goals I’d like to set so I could move forward into 2022 and make it my best year ever. As a health coach, I think that goals and visions are groovy so I put together these simple tips to make your 2023 goals attainable.

Set your mind and be specific. It starts and ends in the mind. Create goals that hold deep meaning for you, something that you really want to change, achieve or desire which manifests strong motivation. Don’t say, “I’m going to lose weight.” Do say, “I am going to permanently remove 20 pounds and I intend to never find it back again. It is important to me because I want to be healthy and agile to play with my (grand)children.”

Start a journal where you write your goals or use Post-It notes. Place them on your fridge or bathroom mirror. Record your thoughts, failures, and A-Ha moments. Find inspiring quotes, motivating pictures, or anything that reminds you of your goal. 

Visualize which allows your brain to “practice” your action. See yourself eating less, exercising more, succeeding, smiling, jumping with your kids, being in a happy relationship, etc. How will your Life change and look when you reach your goal? Think and act like the person you want to be.

Find a GOAL buddy to share your goals with. You are accountable to someone other than yourself, and you will feel a sense of accomplishment from helping your friend reach their goals.

I’ve got a feeling that this year is your year to live your best Life!

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Dominique Kohlenberger has a master’s degree in Physical Therapy and is a Certified Health Coach. 


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