Tarot and Astrology: Sagittarius

The Major Arcana Tarot card associated with Sagittarius is Temperance.
By Michelle Crandell

Those born between November 22 and December 21 fall under the Astrological sign: Sagittarius, the Goat. The corresponding Major Arcana Tarot card for Sagittarius is Temperance. The following Tarot cards symbolize lessons and opportunities presented to Sagittarians.

November 22 – December 2: EIGHT OF WANDS. Capable of swift forward movement, you pursue goals singlemindedly. Self-reliance is your pathway to independence. Your challenges: energetic stability, tempering emotional impulsiveness. Your lessons: living well is the real goal. Lowering your expectations is the key to happiness.

December 3 – 12: NINE OF WANDS. You are an original, with a unique take on life and cherished eccentricities. You often expect others to understand your unconventional thoughts and behavior. Your challenges: finding people who accept you; releasing pent-up energy in positive ways. Your lessons: stay engaged in life and relationships. Let others in.

December 13 – 21: TEN OF WANDS. You have lofty goals coupled with the energy to reach them. You plan ahead, learning the skills needed to manifest your dreams. Your challenge: overcoming oppression, whether it comes from without or within; becoming objective about your effect on people. Your lesson: Use your high ethical standards to guide personal growth rather than judge others.

Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242.


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