Infinite Health: Energy Medicine – Seriously

Healing of our bodies occurs when energy moves or changes.

By Mala Daggett
“In every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist, Nobel Prize Winner. 

Energy is life’s currency. We want more; yet intuitively, many know that something is wrong with their energy. Aging? 5G? GMO food? With every “hanging in there” and “just getting older,” your energy lessens. 

The desperation with which people seem to be trying to “fix” their energy is only matched by the skepticism of critics decrying all this NewAgey, out-there wellness. Perhaps it’s better to think like an anthropologist and ask, what are people seeking so fervently…and why

Western organized medicine embraced the anatomical, biochemical health model. Science focused on the physical, material body of flesh and blood, one we can see and touch. In contrast, the major indigenous medical systems independently devised healing approaches squarely based on the body as an energy field. Ancient health technologies were rooted in the understanding that an innate life force controls the processes of our bodies.

The ancient model held fast to the basic health principle of maintaining balance in this vital electromagnetic field. Methodologies abound: manipulating energy flow at specific body points; shifting energy frequencies via sound, light, or touch; transforming energy through thought; Modalities differ, but the fundamental principle to healing remained the same – shift or move the energy.

Scientific discoveries, from Harvard to NASA, prove that very principle. Accepting the human body as a complex biofield of electromagnetic frequencies and light waves which must be balanced to be healthy has become commonplace.

Western medicine now validates what ancient knowledge-keepers have practiced for centuries. Our medical world and “ancient wellness” are finding common theoretical ground – healing occurs when energy moves or changesMaster Mala Daggett laughs out loud; acts on her passion to help people heal themselves, and is good at it with her 27 years of weaving energy. Commit to weaving your very own Qi Ball with her. 501-626-2720;; IG: @qi_master_daggett.


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