What the Library Can Do for You: Part 5

In addition to adventures like Puzzle Club, many new adventures are planned for GC Library.

By Erin Baber

So far in this series, I’ve raved about some of what the library can do for you right now. This month I want to talk about what the library will be able to do soon. The Garland County Library is growing in ways that I never let myself imagine.

Garland County Grows is the overall name we’ve given to all our upcoming growth spurt, which includes actual organic growth in the form of a community garden and outdoor programming space. We’re revitalizing an unused piece of land between the library and the Rix building and creating a lush garden full of native flowers, fruit trees, vegetable plots, and so much more. This is a huge project in its earliest stages. Stay tuned for more announcements and fundraising opportunities. ETA: spring/summer 2023, with any luck.

Remote Lockers are freestanding library lockers around the community that we can load with a patron’s available holds. Patrons can visit the Remote Locker at their convenience, scan their library barcode, and a locker with their materials will open, automatically checking out the requested items. We will be installing four Remote Lockers around town – outside GCLibrary, YMCA, National Park College, and at the Sunshine Store in Royal. Remote Lockers are a work in progress – ETA: fall/winter 2022, fingers-crossed. 

Bookmobile. Remember proper bookmobiles? We’re getting one! Our bookmobile will be stocked with a friendly librarian, rollout carts of library materials ready to borrow, and free air conditioning. ETA: early 2023, if supply demands don’t get in the way.

And I’m out of space for this month. Be sure to read up next month as I reveal at least two more big changes coming your way. Stay tuned! 

Email me, Erin Baber, at ebaber@gclibrary.com with any questions or comments related to this article.

Erin Baber is Public Relations Coordinator at the Garland County Library.


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