Tarot and Astrology: Cancer

The Major Arcana Tarot card associated with Cancer is The Chariot, VII.

By Michelle Crandell

Born between June 21 and July 21? Your Zodiac sign is Cancer, the crab. Your Major Arcana Tarot card is The Chariot, VII. Three lesson/opportunity Tarot cards correspond with the three subdivisions of Cancer below:

June 21 to July 1: Two of Cups. Naturally empathic, you long to understand how others feel, what motivates them. Because of this fascination and because of Cancerian aggressiveness, you could excel at sales or marketing. Your interpersonal challenge is to create love relationships that are special and equal. Choose partners who are good TO you and good FOR you. Be that kind of lover yourself. 

July 2 to 11: Three of Cups. You value eccentricity, fantasy, and the wonder found in nature and art. You may learn to blend in, yet still, need companionship with others who are “not afraid of the dark.” They feel safe with you, too. Your challenge is finding your tribe. Seek groups where you share love, comfort, a sense of community … and the weird. 

July 12 to 21: Four of Cups. You see yourself as an agent of the higher good. Your goals: career success, secure relationships, stable home life, and personal competence. You are quite willing to use your considerable powers of persuasion to influence individuals, groups, and organizations toward what you feel is a higher purpose. Your lessons: Don’t be too sure you know what’s best for everyone. The end does not always justify the means.
Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242.


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