Tarot and Astrology: Aries

By Michelle Crandell

The Zodiac sign Aries includes people born between March 21 and April 30. The Major Arcana card signifying Aries is the Emperor (4). Each Zodiac sign divides into three time frames. Each “frame” has a Minor Arcana card (card with a number on it) assigned to it. These cards represent Zodiac lessons and opportunities. 

March 21 to March 30: TWO of WANDS. Energetic balance is your challenge. Learning patience, your most important task. Rigid adherence to personal beliefs can interfere with the give and take of daily life. Practice meditation. Think before you speak. “Would you rather be right or loved?” 

March 31 to April 10: THREE OF WANDS. Open, lively, and achievement-oriented, you enjoy the company of others. When you “flame on” though, you push your passionate viewpoints without “reading the room.” Compromising, cooperating, and seeing things from another’s point of view are your real challenges. You’re the “boss of you”… not Them. That’s hard enough.

April 11 to 20: FOUR OF WANDS: Your strength is your social conscience. You believe in mankind’s ability to make the world a better place. Your lesson: tempering idealism with periodic “reality checks.” Ideals can be worthy of devotion, but costly. Pioneering efforts can monopolize your time and wear you out. They can lead in the wrong direction.
Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242.


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