Tarot: The Tens

In the tenth of her ten articles focusing on the Ace through Ten Cards, Michelle Crandell reviews The Tens.

By Michelle Crandell

In Tarot, Tens signify completion, transcendence, and consolidation. A chapter is ending. The meaning of the journey being completed becomes clear. Universal understandings come into consciousness. Tens also imply preparation for new beginnings. The seeker can feel the winds of karmic change. Major Arcana cards: Wheel of Fortune and the Fool. 

SWORDS: The lessons of betrayal – to avoid ruin, keep your own counsel, become immune to praise or criticism, and predict others accurately. Ten signifies the end of a way of life or a way of thinking about self, the world, or others. Powerful lessons. Remember them well. They came at a cost. 

CUPS: An understanding of what causes happiness emerges. “Lower your expectations. Give to others and the world. Practice a legacy of love. Do what you love and the money will follow.” Wise sayings, indeed. The seeker finds contentment and satisfaction come from within.

WANDS: Will power and focused motivation make it possible to “finish the race.” The seeker realizes the responsibility connected to power and the costs of making a dream come true. Success comes at a price; the price is energetic exhaustion. He who wants everything sacrifices much.

PENTACLES: You have more than enough money. Share personal wealth with others, especially “family.” Give away objects which no longer serve you. Create a legacy of prosperity with your extra abundance. 

Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242.


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