Tarot: Sevens

In the seventh of her ten articles focusing on the Ace through Ten Cards, Michelle Crandell reviews The Sevens.

By Michelle Crandell

In Tarot, sevens indicate a need to change how you understand human suffering. If you resist or ignore “big picture”, spiritual interpretations, you will miss important growth opportunities or suffer without getting the life lesson each seven offers.

Seven of Swords: FUTILITY. Creating a dream, then talking yourself out of it. THEFT: Someone takes your idea and implements it. SPIRITUAL LESSON: Good ideas, even great ideas show up “on the airwaves.” Such inspirations are gifts from the universe. If you don’t use an inspiration, someone else will. Your openness to divine inspiration belongs to you, though.

Seven of Cups: SELF INDULGENCE IS SELF NEGLECT. Playing “victim” or “martyr” traps people. Ignoring negative consequences of addiction destroys people. SPIRITUAL LESSON: Facing indulgence/neglect patterns initiates a spiritual path to compassion, objectivity, and self-care. 

Seven of Wands: STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. Say ‘no’ to what is not intuitively, energetically right for you. SPIRITUAL LESSON: You are responsible for the “energy you bring into the room.” Others are, too. Protect yourself from “energy vampires.”

Seven of Pentacles: FEARING FAILURE OR SUCCESS. Hard work is not paying off as you imagined. You fear you don’t “deserve” success or success won’t matter. SPIRITUAL LESSON: Redefine “success” and “failure.” Shift focus from outcome to process. Is this work/sacrifice worth it spiritually? Would completion grow you or would letting go? Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242.


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