Happy Productive Life: Be Brave: Karma Has Your Back

Christi Nation, creator of Happy Productive Life.

By Christi Nation

A couple of years ago, my friend, Rachel, became pregnant out of wedlock in her early thirties. She chose to keep the pregnancy, shared her single parenthood publicly, and was fired from her job because of those choices. It was a huge surprise that her employer would do that in this day and time. 

Rachel had just bought a home for herself and her young son and had another baby on the way. She didn’t know where her next paycheck was coming from.

Rachel made several positive choices instead of caving in to fear. She chose to have that sweet baby. She chose to use her story to inspire others. She chose to pick herself up after being treated unfairly and found the perfect fit job for her to support her family and thrive. I call that karma. 

Rachel used courage every step of the way. There’s no bravery unless there’s adversity. 

Until next time, here are your Happiness Actions:

Think about God having a better imagination than you when righting a wrong. 

Take action through fear. The momentum carries you through to the other side. Christi Nation, President of Nation Training and Development, began writing this column in 2015 under the Happiness Actions name. To reach more people, she changed the column title because it fit better with her mission – To help others with their productivity & peace of mind. You can reach her at www.NationTD.com.


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