Tarot: The Fives

In the fifth of her ten articles focusing on the Ace through Ten Cards, Michelle Crandell reviews The Fives.

By Michelle Crandell
In Tarot, fives represent challenges, reversals, unplanned changes. Associated with Major Arcana cards: Devil, Tower, and Hierophant, fives symbolize struggles resulting from change and upheaval.

FIVE OF SWORDS: One’s beliefs about change determine emotional response and behavior. Believing a change is a threat or a loss brings suffering. Perceiving a change as a challenge, an opportunity, a fact of life or a learning experience leads to better coping with change.

FIVE OF CUPS: Attitude about change determines our emotional reactions. Change = THREAT leads to fear, anger, or numbness. Change = LOSS leads to grief and compassion. Change = CHALLENGE/OPPORTUNITY leads to determination and calm problem-solving. Change = a “FACT OF LIFE” leads to acceptance and letting go. Change = a LEARNING EXPERIENCE leads to hope and the ability to use present suffering as future wisdom.

FIVE OF WANDS: Energy is spent on power struggles with others. You and those around you “run around with your hair on fire.” The strife can lead to new, innovative directions.

FIVE OF PENTACLES: The foundation of your success is unstable. Confidence in yourself, the world, and others is shaken, leaving a sense of impoverishment…and real-world loss and hardship.

Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Call if interested in her next class. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com or call 501-655-6242.


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