Lambert Named Arkansas Rookie of the Year

Master Gardeners gathered to congratulate Joan Lambert for being chosen as Garland County Rookie of the Year.

By Hilde Simmons
A small contingent of the 230 Garland County Master Gardeners recently came to the Extension Office to greet Berni Kurz, State Master Gardener Coordinator, and Mike Wilbanks, the County 76 publicity chair, and his wife Christy. They were there for the awards presentation to honor the Garland County Rookie of the Year and now state award winner, Joan Lambert. Lambert’s jaw dropped when her name was called out, but none of her friends and coworkers were surprised. They knew she deserved the award.

As the awards judge noted, “After being with the Master Gardener program for less than a year, this nominee has already demonstrated her leadership abilities by serving as chair for one of the projects. Given her 185.5 hours of sanctioned work, 34.5 hours of unsanctioned work, and 35 continuing education hours, it is evident that this nominee is worthy of the Rookie of the Year Award.”

Lambert always had a passion for gardening but had to wait until retirement to come into her element. She took the 2020 Master Gardner training class in January and February, the last local in-person training, and after graduation hit the ground running despite Covid 19 forced limitations and restrictions.

She worked at the two Garvan Woodland Gardens beautification projects, the Master Gardener administered Southern Inspiration Garden, and with the GEMS, the Master Gardeners who support the horticulture crew, and volunteered as a train engineer at the garden railroad.

Her city projects included the city greenhouses where the Master Gardeners built the hanging baskets for the downtown area and propagating plants for the city parks and horticulture installations. She took over as chair of the Entergy Park project mid-year and was busy at the Detention Center Learning Greenhouse, a place for teaching local county inmates and for propagating plants for the yearly plant sale. She worked at the adjacent Hope Garden where more than 580 pounds of produce were grown for a local food bank. She participated in the Habitat for Humanity landscape installations. She answered questions in the “Ask a Master Gardener” booth at the Saturday farmers market. She helped design and create a beautiful inner courtyard area for children and staff at one of the Hot Springs schools.

Lambert is well-liked by all, bringing enthusiasm, hard work, and willingness to pitch in wherever needed, not only to the Master Gardeners but other volunteer organizations as well.

Nothing has changed in her second year. She has now become a mentor as well. The Garland County Master Gardeners are fortunate, pleased, and proud to have Joan Lambert in their organization.


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