Tarot: Twos

In these second of ten articles focusing on the Ace through Ten Cards, Michelle Crandell reviews four Twos.

By Michelle Crandell
In Tarot, twos represent balance and harmony. Twos symbolize cooperation and equality in relationships. Twos encourage the seeker to be open and receptive to the influence of collaborators. Twos consider how uniting with another can improve life for both. Associated Major Arcana cards: High Priestess and the Lovers.

Two of Swords: Justice is difficult to manifest. Look for win-win solutions to problems. Pay attention to the consequences of your compromises. If you “go along to get along,” you will regret it later. Stand up for what is fair, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Two of Cups: Positive partnerships are possible now. Deepen relationships with partners, lovers, and friends who are “good to you and good for you.” Nurture love, creativity, and inspiration in your unions with others.

Two of Wands: Business or legal collaborations lead to forward movement and prosperity. Working with a powerful, knowledgeable person helps the seeker maintain stability while making positive change. Combined forces create success. “Nobody really does it alone.”

Two of Pentacles: Competing financial, career and/or homelife priorities need to be balanced. Windfalls or sudden opportunities appear. Use them wisely. Don’t count on them continuing.

Michelle Crandell provides individual Tarot readings for a fee. Once a year, she teaches LEARN TO READ TAROT. Michelle is following CoVid-19 protection practices while providing private readings. To learn more, email michelle.crandell@gmail.com, or call 501-655-6242.


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