Role Models and Twelve Times!

By Alison Crane
If you have ever sat at a table waiting on a child to try one bite of food, you know that sometimes persuading small-sized humans to do something they do not want to do can be a challenge. Or perhaps you have been astounded by how incredibly fast that same pint-sized being can decide that nothing you have prepared for dinner that night is edible and that you must be trying to poison said tiny human.

Take heart! My once small, picky children are grown and do not hate me for all the casseroles with mixed vegetables and other hidden nutrients, I placed in front of them through the years. Providing a balanced diet with all the necessary food groups is an important duty of parenthood and one of the best ways to be successful is by being a role model.

In fact, role modeling will not only make it easier to get your child to eat or do the things he or she needs to do, it will help you stay healthy and actually happy in your role as a parent (as long as you are role modeling the positive). If you role model eating a balanced diet with whole-grains and lots of vegetables and fruits, then your children will naturally gravitate in that direction.

Thebattle” to get your child to try new foods or eat healthy can also be helped by knowing that it often takes up to twelve exposures to a new food before they are willing to try it. Yes, I said twelve times!

Keeping those interactions positive and low pressure can make a huge difference in your sanity and how big a battle becomes. Giving options to make their own healthy choices instead of telling them what they will eat prevents power struggles. Involving your children in meal planning and preparation can help them gain an interest in cooking and trying new foods.

Want to get your kids to try whole-grain breads? Try baking some tasty whole-grain quick breads at home with Alison Crane through the Garland County Library Facebook page, live on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at 6:00 pm, and available on video after that. The ingredient and equipment list and recipes needed to bake fun and easy, shaped whole-grain breads are available by emailing or contacting the Garland County Extension Service at 501-623-6841. Make it a family night and join the fun!


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