What Do You Have Control Over?

By Christi Nation
“Focus on what you can do rather than stress about what you have no control over.” – Catherine DeVyre

What are the top three things you have control over?

With this pandemic, we all feel out of control. Having to change how we live negatively influences us and our personal and professional relationships.

Life is choice. We choose our thoughts (positive or negative). From those thoughts come our emotions about the thoughts especially about change. Thoughts can be sneaky, lulling you into the false belief that all of them are true. Just because a thought enters your mind does not mean it is fact. Thoughts are just that — Thoughts. You have control over how you think about our surroundings and happenings. You can dismiss a thought as easily as you can accept it. You also have control over how you influence others with your thoughts and emotions.

Until next time, here are your Happiness Actions:

1. Take out a sheet of paper and list ten things you have control over. Yes, ten to help you dig deep and really think about it.
2. On another sheet of paper list ten things you do not have control over.
3. Focus on the first list and throw out the second one.
4. Practice controlling your thought process to be a positive influence.

Christi Nation is the President of Nation Training & Development (NTD). www.ProductivityNation.com is an NTD program that increases profits, productivity, and peace of mind. Visit us for more articles and courses about confidence, control, and consistency.


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